Receiving massage therapy care on a regular basis helps to maintain a good quality of life by promoting well-being. Massage therapy treatments notably prevent the appearance of pathologies. It relaxes the body, allows it to evolve in optimal conditions and can contribute to preventing premature aging.
Immerse yourself in a world of relaxation and entrust your well-being to our expert hands.
Choice of: Relaxation Massage OR Therapeutic Massage
The client must complete a health questionnaire and identify their his expectations with their his massage therapist. Subsequently, the treatment will begin according to the selected duration. The client will have the choice of keeping his their underwear on, or not. Either way, the sheet will cover the private parts to respect privacy.
- Almond or odourless massage oil - Natural hypoanti-allergenic essential oils (boreal, floral, fruity)
Depending on your prevention and maintenance needs, one massage per month is the recommended frequency. Depending on your general condition and your specific needs, your massage therapist will adapt a personalized treatment plan including more or less frequent massages.
Yes, asI am a member of the Network of professional massage therapists of Quebec RMPQ (RMPQ Network of professional massage therapists of Quebec), I can issue insurance receipts.
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